Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why sometimes, Ignorance is bliss.

Some lessons are learnt very early in life. This was one of them.

I was 10, when I woke up one Sunday morning and trudged to the bathroom. There was an assembly of sorts at its entrance. My parents and 3 yr old sister were peering anxiously inside. I looked at them and they stared back. Now most people would react to this and ask 'why' or 'what' exactly warrants this kind of Sunday morning behavior. We, on the other hand are a dysfunctional lot, and consider this pretty normal.

So I shrugged and entered the bathroom anyway. when I came out 5 minutes later, they were all still standing there. Only this time, their expressions had changed from blank stares to looks of awe. My li'l sister was looking at me like I was one of the Powerpuff Girls (I still love watching them!). I rubbed my eyes and walked right past them to the kitchen, when my father finally spoke, "See? Didn't I tell you? The Lizard may be huge, but its completely harmless!"

So that is what it was. There was apparently some big fat Lizard inside which had thwarted my family's attempts to enter the bathroom. And since I had been blissfully unaware of its presence, I went in anyway (I'm sure if I'd have known about it, I'd have run out of the house that very instant).

So that day I learnt that being ignorant about things has its perks. Later in life however, curiosity got the better of me and I became one of those people who HAVE to know about everything. Now I'm not exactly a Cat, but I can safely say that curiosity killed some pretty good moments of my life. I'd have loved to be ignorant of so many things. There are so many things I wish I'd never knew. But that's how life is.

And that's why its very important to remember lessons learnt in childhood. And even more important to curb your natural instincts that may make you forget them :)

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